Office Location

10924 119 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5H 3P5
Phone: (780) 447-2656



DTF ordering

We provide people with their own DTF transfers if they wish to batch print and use their own heat press and shirts. Ganging artwork is the method of placing multiple pieces of art onto a single sheet to be printed and is required when printing a transfer roll.

the sizes we print are

$11.30 -- 12"x23"

$18.80 -- 20"x23"

$56.40 -- 60"x23"

$75.20 -- 80"x23"

Artwork sent will be printed as is, so be sure you have all corrections and sizes correct before sending through. When ganging artwork, use the whole space, as the price is the same no matter what is in the space.

An example of ganged artwork. Be sure to leave enough space to cut between the artworks placed.

If you have not reviewed placement locations Click Here

Want to order? send us an email with your file and information. Special requests will be considered.

Please include:



Phone number

Size of sheet

When you need it by

File attached

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